Helmut H. Diederichs

Schriften von Rudolf Arnheim zu Kunst, Psychologie und Kunstpsychologie                                                                 (Art, Psychology and Psychology of Art)

Bibliographische Quellen / Bibliographic Sources:

- Duncan, Elmer H. (ed.): Twenty Years Cumulative Index to the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volumes 1-20, 1941-1962, New York: AMS Reprint Company, pp. 8-9.
- Bibliography of Rudolf Arnheim, compiled by Mary Arnheim, Cambridge, Mass., May 1974, 30 p.
- Rudolf Arnheim, Verzeichnis seiner Schriften. Auszug aus einer von Mary Arnheim verfaßten Zusammenstellung. In: derselbe: Entropie und Kunst. Ein Versuch über Unordnung und Ordnung, Köln: DuMont Buchverlag 1979, pp. 93-107.
- Rudolf Arnheim, Bibliography of his Writings, 1928-1982, compiled by Mary Arnheim, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 1983, 44 p.
- Bergmann, Joachim: Die Schaubühne/Die Weltbühne 1905-1933. Bibliographie und Register, Teil 1, München London New York Paris: Saur 1991, pp.11-13.
- Rudolf Arnheim: An International Bibliography oft His Writings. In: The Journal of Aesthetic Education (Champaign, Ill.), Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Winter 1993, pp. 165-189.
- Rudolf Arnheim: Bibliography of Articles, Reviews, Commentaries and Letters published in Leonardo, 1968-2000. Online: http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/isast/spec.projects/arnheimleobib.html (2003).
- Und eigene Recherchen.

Sammelwerke / Collected Works

- Toward a Psychology of Art = Arnheim, Rudolf: Toward a Psychology of Art. Collected Essays, Berkeley und Los Angeles: University of California Press 1966.
- Zwischenrufe = Arnheim, Rudolf: Zwischenrufe. Kleine Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1926-1940, Leipzig und Weimar: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag 1985.
- New Essays on the Psychology of Art = Arnheim, Rudolf: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London: University of California Press 1986.
- To the Rescue of Art = Arnheim, Rudolf: To the Rescue of Art. Twenty-six Essays, Berkeley and Los Angeles / Oxford (Engl.): University of California Press 1992.
- The Split and the Structure = Arnheim, Rudolf: The Split and the Structure. Twenty-eight Essays, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1996.


"1925-1928. Reviews published fairly frequently in 'Psychologische Forschung', Berlin".

(Dies vermerkte Mary Arnheim in ihren Bibliographien, das stimmt aber nicht ganz. Studentische Buchbesprechungen Arnheims finden sich nur in den Jahrgängen 1927 und 1928 der Zeitschrift - siehe unten - und sie sind in Quantität - manchmal nur ein kurzer Absatz - und Qualität nicht mit späteren Rezensionen vergleichbar.)
(Book Reviews by R. A. in 'Psychologische Forschung' appeared only in 1927 und 1928, see below.)


Der neue Spießer-Spiegel.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 23, 22. Jg. (= Vol. 22), 8.6.1926, pp. 890-891.
(über/about George Grosz).
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 11-13.
So ist es! ist es so?
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 37, 22. Jg., 14.9.1926, pp. 415-418.
(Rezension/Book Review: Christian Bruhn "Gelehrte in Hypnose").
Gustav Sack
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 49, 22. Jg., 7.12.1926, p. 900.


Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 1, 23. Jg., 4.1.1927, p. 36.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 17-18.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 2, 23. Jg., 11.1.1927, pp. 74-75.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 19-21.
Große Malerei.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 6, 23. Jg., 8.2.1927, pp. 225-227.
(über Cézanne und van Gogh)
Anita und Henri.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 7, 23. Jg., 15.2.1927, p. 277.
(über Anita Berber)
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 8, 23. Jg., 22.2.1927, p. 315.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 30-31.
Oskar Kokoschka.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 10, 23. Jg., 8.3.1927, pp. 393-394.
Neue Sachlichkeit und alter Stumpfsinn.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 15, 23. Jg., 12.4.1927, pp. 591-592.
Das Bauhaus in Dessau.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 23, 23. Jg., 7.6.1927, pp. 920-921.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 22-24.
Große Berliner Kunstausstellung.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 25, 23. Jg., 21.6.1927, pp. 984-986.
Die Stuttgarter Werkbundausstellung.
Die Weltbühne (Berlin), No. 43, 23. Jg., 25.10.1927, pp. 639-643.
(über Le Corbusier etc.)
Utitz, Emil: Charakterologie, Charlottenburg: Pan-Verlag Rolf Heise 1925. ("Referate" / Book Review).
Jahrbuch der Charakterologie, Hrsg. v. Emil Utitz, I.-III. Jag., Charlottenburg: Pan-Verlag Rolf Heise 1925/26. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Grenzwissenschaften (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, pp. 186-187.
Specht, Wilhelm: Vom Ausdruck der Seele. (Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Neurol. u. Psychiatrie, Bd. 101, 1926, S. 671-700). ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, pp. 187-188.
Argelander, A., Peters, W., Scheibner, O.: Jenaer Beiträge zur Jugend- und Erziehungspsychologie, Langensalza: Julius Beltz 1926. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, p. 188.
Saudek, Robert: Wissenschaftliche Graphologie, München: Drei Masken Verlag 1926. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, pp. 188-189.
Lipmann, Otto und Hellmuth Bogen: Naive Physik, Leipzig: J. A. Barth 1923. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, p. 194.
Deutscher Schäferhund-Verein: Beiträge zur Frage der Verwendung von Hunden im Kriminaldienst, Eisenach 1925. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, pp. 195.
Bruhn, Christian: Gelehrte in Hypnose. Zur Psychologie der Überzeugung und des Traumdenkens, Hamburg: Parus 1926. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, pp. 195.
Stern, William: Jugendliche Zeugen in Sittlichkeitsprozessen, Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer 1926. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1927, pp. 196.
Die gute Form.
In: Arnheim, Rudolf / Schiffer, E. L. / With, Cl. (Hrsg.): Jugend und Welt.
Berlin-Grunewald: Williams & Co. Verlag 1928, pp. 59-75. (erschienen Ende 1927)



Die Kunst im Volke.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 3, 17.1.1928, pp. 97-100.
Edouard Manet.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 9, 28.2.1928, pp. 344-346.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 32-34.
Haeberlin, Carl: Das Gefüge des Lebendigen, Karlsruhe: G. Braun 1926. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 10, 1928, pp. 107.
Jaspers, Karl: Philosophische Forschungen, Berlin: Julius Springer. ("Referate" / Book Review).
1. Heft. Otto Mann: Der moderne Dandy. Ein Kulturproblem des 19. Jahrhunderts, 1925.
2. Heft. W. Heinsius: Krisen katholischer Frömmigkeit und Konversionen zum Protestantismus, 1925.
3. Heft. Karl Jaspers: Strindberg und van Gogh. Versuch einer pathographischen Analyse unter vergleichender Heranziehung von Swedenborg und Hölderlin. Zweite, ergänzte Auflage 1926.
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 10, 1928, pp. 107-108.
Langer, Richard: Totenmasken. Mit einer Einl.v. Hans W. Gruhle, Leipzig: Georg Thieme 1927. ("Referate" / Book Review).
In: Psychologische Forschung (Berlin), Vol. 10, 1928, pp. 393-394.
Die renovierte Oper.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 19, 8.5.1928, pp. 721-723.
Die Akademie-Ausstellung.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 23, 5.6.1928, pp. 867-870.
Experimentell-psychologische Untersuchungen zum Ausdrucksproblem.
Phil. Diss. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität 1928.
In: Psychologische Forschung. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Grenzwissenschaften (Berlin), Vol. 11, 1928, pp. 2-132.
(Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt. IV. Hrsg. v. Max Wertheimer).
Der liebe Gott im Wartezimmer.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 44, 30.10.1928, pp. 672-675.
(über Religion, Psychologie und Freuds "Die Zukunft einer Illusion").
Der liebe Gott im Wartezimmer. II.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 45, 6.11.1928, pp. 707-710.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 47, 20.11.1928, pp. 778-780.
(Rezensionen / Book Reviews: Feuilleton-Sammlung von Rudolf Geck; Hans Reimann: "Komponist wider Willen"; Hans Reimann: "Die voll und ganz vollkommene Ehe"; "Die rote Kinderrepublik"; Hermann Kesten: "Josef sucht die Freiheit").
Kleine Feuchtwangerei. Börsenkrach auf Madagaskar.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 24. Jg., No. 50, 11.12.1928, p. 886.
(Satirische Theaterszene).
Was ist das - Kunst?
In: Arnheim, Rudolf / Schiffer, E. L. (Hrsg.): Jugend und Welt. Band 2.
Berlin-Grunewald: Williams & Co. Verlag o.J. (Ende 1928), S. 54-72.



Unverbindliche Spannung.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 1, 1.1.1929, pp. 26-28
(Satirische Romanszene nach Edgar Wallace).
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 4, 22.1.1929, pp. 138-141.
(Rezension / Book Review: Georges Anquetil "Ehen zu dritt").
Alfred Polgar.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 6, 5.2.1929, pp. 223-226.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 64-68.
Märchenhafte Begebenheit.
In: Vossische Zeitung (Berlin), 3.4.1929.
(über Tänzerinnen).
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 69-72.
Die Nacht vor dem Beil.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 16, 16.4.1929, pp. 604-605.
Ludwig Hardt.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 20, 14.5.1929, pp. 751-752.
Die Schreibschule.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 23, 4.6.1929, pp. 863-866.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 76-80.
In: Vossische Zeitung (Berlin), 20.7.1929.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 81-87.
Zwischen den Menschen.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 32, 6.8.1929, pp. 204-209.
(über Zwitter).
Heinrich Zille.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 34, 20.8.1929, pp. 298-299.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 37, 10.9.1929, pp. 406-407.
(über "Happy end" von Brecht und Weill).
Hamlet, Prinz von Oels.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 40, 1.10.1929, pp. 521-523.
(Satirische Theaterszene, "Erwin Piscator gewidmet").
Hier schreibt Berlin.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 44, 29.10.1929, pp. 680-681.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 46, 12.11.1929, pp. 751-752.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 101-102.
Neues von jungen Dichtern. I. Heinrich Hauser.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 48, 26.11.1929, p. 820.
Neues von jungen Dichtern. II. Klaus Mann.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 49, 3.12.1929, p. 857.
Neues von jungen Dichtern. III. Martin Kessel.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 50, 10.12.1929, pp. 890-892
Mimus unter den Juden.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 25. Jg., No. 52, 24.12.1929, pp. 951-953.
(über das hebräische Theater "Habima").
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 103-106.



Klee für Kinder.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 5, 28.1.1930, pp. 170-173.
Brief an den Maler Kirchner.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 11, 11.3.1930, pp. 394-398.
(Paul Klee, zum Zweiten).
Niddy Impekoven.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 13, 25.3.1930, pp. 481-483.
(ü Tanz).
Mister Eves blamiert die Innung.
In: Vossische Zeitung (Berlin), wohl 1930.
(Maler Eves übermalte Photographien)
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 110-112.
An der Leine.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 26, 24.6.1930, pp. 972-973.
(Rezension/Book Review des Romans von Mechtilde Lichnowsky).
Roger Martin du Gard. "Jean Barois".
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 30, 22.7.1930, pp. 130-135..
(Rezension/Book Review).
Roger Martin du Gard. "Les Thibault".
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 32, 5.8.1930, pp. 205-208.
(Rezension/Book Review).
Technische Improvisationen.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 49, 2.12.1930, pp. 827-830.
(mit Widmung: "Für Palucca").
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 121-127.
Kästner und Trier für Kinder.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 26. Jg., No. 50, 9.12.1930, pp. 884-885
(Rezension/Book Review).



Die Gefühle der Jugend.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 4, 27.1.1931, pp. 136-141.
(Rezension/Book Review: Frank Matzke "Jugend bekennt: So sind wir!").
Die Gefühle der Jugend. Schluß.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 5, 3.2.1931, pp. 172-174.
Etc. etc.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 8, 24.2.1931, pp. 293-294.
(über Romanschriftstellerei).
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 135-137.
Unsre Bücher.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 10, 10.3.1931, pp. 358-359.
(über Bucheinbände).
Das Bild an der Wand.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 21, 26.5.1931, pp. 779-781.
Das Slawenlied.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 22, 2.6.1931, pp. 813-814.
(Rezension/Book Review: Roman von F. C. Weiskopf).
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 141-142.
Karl Holtz.
In: Gebrauchsgraphik, Band 8, Juni 1931, pp. 2-5.
(Article on the artist who illustrated "Stimme von der Galerie". With English translation.)
Franz Kafka.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 26, 30.6.1931, pp. 959-961.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 143-147.
Lehrstück vom Richter Lindsey.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 30, 28.7.1931, pp. 142-145.
(Rezension/Book Review: Ben B. Lindsey/Rube Boroughs "Das gefährliche Leben").
Charakterdeutung als Wissenschaft. I.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 41, 13.10.1931, pp. 556-560.
Charakterdeutung als Wissenschaft. II.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 42, 20.10.1931, pp. 599-604.
Charakterdeutung als Wissenschaft. III.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 43, 27.10.1931, pp. 639-641.
Moralische Prosa.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 47, 24.11.1931, pp. 787-790.
(Rezension/Book Review: Erich Kästner "Fabian" u.a.).
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 151-157.
Eloessers zweiter Band.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 27. Jg., No. 48, 1.12.1931, pp. 834-836.
(Rezension/Book Review: "Die deutsche Literatur vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart").
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 158-160.



Die Anmaßung der Sinne.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 6, 9.2.1932, pp. 211-215.
Entthronung des Willens.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 14, 5.4.1932, pp. 516-521.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 17, 26.4.1932, pp. 641-643.
(Rezension/Book Review: Leo Matthias "Griff in den Orient"; Bericht über Hindu-Tanzgruppe).
Vom Schlechten zum Guten.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 19, 10.5.1932, pp. 718-720.
Theater ohne Bühne.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 23, 7.6.1932, pp. 861-864.
(über Theatertheorie).
Theater ohne Bühne. Schluß.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 24, 14.6.1932, pp. 899-902.
Kurze Sittengeschichte. I.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 26, 28.6.1932, pp. 971-974.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 169-174.
John dos Passos und die heißen Tage. Parodie.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 29, 19.7.1932, pp. 99-101.
Brief aus der Ferne.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 34, 23.8.1932, pp. 279-280.
(Urlaub in Italien: Kunst und Sittlichkeit).
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 186-188.
Schiller über Kästner.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 48, 29.11.1932, pp. 796-799.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 200-204.
Vom Fischer und seiner Frau. Aus einem Kabarettmärchen.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 49, 6.12.1932, pp. 830-833.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 28. Jg., No. 50, 13.12.1932, pp. 886-887.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 205-206.



Die Flucht zu den Schachtelhalmen.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 29. Jg., No. 2, 10.1.1933, pp. 64-67.
(Rezension/Book Review: Gottfried Benn "Fazit der Perspektiven" / "Nach dem Nihilismus").
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 207-212.
Sittenlehre für Ungläubige. I.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 29. Jg., No. 5, 31.1.1933, pp. 169-173.
Sittenlehre für Ungläubige. II. Egoismus.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 29. Jg., No. 7, 14.2.1933, pp. 249-251.
Sittenlehre für Ungläubige. III. Weder Egoismus noch Altruismus.
In: Die Weltbühne (Berlin), 29. Jg., No. 9, 28.2.1933, pp. 323-325.


Aus den Emigrationsjahren in Italien sind keine einschlägigen Publikationen bekannt.
Zu den Schriften über die Medienkünste siehe das  Gesamtverzeichnis der Schriften zu Film, Photo, Presse und Rundfunk.


(Pseudonym: P. Anglos) Der Alte.
In: National-Zeitung (Basel), 7.9.1939.
(über Kiebitze beim Malen)
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 232-234.



(Pseudonym: P. Anglos) Gewisse Übersetzer.
In: National-Zeitung (Basel), 5.1.1940.
Reprint in: Zwischenrufe, pp. 228-231.



Mosaics old and new.
In: Parnassus, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1941, pp. 70-73.



Art patterns as communication.
In: The American Scholar, Vol. 11, 1942, pp. 507-508.



Gestalt and art.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 2, No. 8, Fall 1943, pp. 71-75.
Reprint in: Hogg, James (ed.): Psychology and the Visual Arts; selected readings. Harmondsworth, Eng., Baltimore: Penguin Books 1969, pp. 257-262.
Max Wertheimer.
(Spoken at the Memorial Meeting for Max Wertheimer at the New School for Social Research, New York City, on November 10, 1943).
In: Psychological Research, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Max Wertheimer Memorial Issue), 1989, pp. 45-46 (with pencil drawing of Wertheimer by R.A., 20.5.1942).



The problem of Germany.
In: Murphy, Gardner (ed.): Human Nature and Enduring Peace. Third yearbook of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, pp. 62-68.
(On German war criminals).



Psychology of art - good or bad?
In: Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 4, June 1946, p. 12.
Psychology of the dance.
In: Dance Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 8, August 1946, pp. 20, 38-39.
German translation in: Neue Zeitung (München), 23. Mai 1947
Reprint: Concerning the dance. In: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



Perceptual abstraction and art.
In: Psychological Review, Vol. 54, No. 2, March 1947, pp. 66-82.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Swedish translation: Perceptuell abstraktion och konst. In: Sandström, Sven (ed.): Konst och Psykologi, Lund: CWK Gleerup Bokförlag 1970, pp. 86-105.
Eugène Delacroix. Drawings. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1947, p. 228.
Foreword to
Mendel, Alfred O.: Personality in Handwriting, New York: Stephen Daye Press 1947, pp. 11-15.



G. M. Gilbert. Nuremberg Diary. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 4, Winter 1947-48, pp. 633-636.
The Holes of Henry Moore. On the Function of Space in Sculpture.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 7, 1948, pp. 29-38.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Psychological Notes on the Poetical Process.
In: Abbott, Charles D. (ed.): Poets at Work. Essays based on the Modern Poetry Collection at the Lockwood Memorial Library, Univ. of Buffalo, New York: Harcourt Brace 1948, pp. 123-162.
Excerpt Reprint (pp. 138-159): Abstract Language and Metaphor. In: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



The Gestalt Theory of Expression.
In: Psychological Review, Vol. 56, No. 3, May 1949, pp. 156-171.
Reprint in: Henle, Mary (ed.): Documents of Gestalt Psychology, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press 1961, pp. 301-323.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Reprint in: Hogg, James (ed.): Psychology and the Visual Arts. Selected Readings, Harmondsworth, Eng., Baltimore: Penguin Books 1969, pp. 263-287.
A Note on Monsters. (Introductory Essay).
In: Russell, Leo: Monsters - a Portfolio of Prints, New York: Tanagra Pub. 1949.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
The Priority of Expression.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 8, No. 2, Dec. 1949, pp. 106-109.
(Later incorporated in Art and Visual Perception).
A Psychologist's View of General Education for the Artist.
In: College Art Journal, Vol. 8, No. 4, Summer 1949, pp. 268-271.
(Paper read at the 7th Annual Conference of the Committee on Art Education, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 18-20, 1949).



Second Thoughts of a Psychologist.
In: Taylor, Harold (ed.): Essays on Teaching, New York: Harper 1950, pp. 77-95.
Lionel Goitein. Art and the Unconscious. (Rezension / Book Review)
In: Magazine of Art, Feb. 1950, pp. 76-77.
Daniel E. Schneider. The Psychoanalyst and the Artist. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 9, No. 2, Dec. 1950, pp. 152-153.



Gestalt Psychology and Artistic Form.
In: Whyte, Lancelot L. (ed.): Aspects of Form. A Symposium on Form in Nature and Art, London: Lund Humphries 1951, pp. 196-208. 2nd ed. 1968 (R.A.'s text unchanged).
U.S. ed.: New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy 1951.
Paperback: Bloomington: Univ. of Indiana Press 1961 (Midland Books No. 31).
2. unveränderter Nachdruck: London: Lund Humphries 1968.
Reprint in: Rader, Melvin (ed.): A Modern Book of Aesthetics, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1973, 4th ed., pp. 318-327.
(German Translation by Jürgen Schlaeger): Gestaltpsychologie und künstlerische Form. In: Henrich, Dieter / Iser , Wolfgang (eds.): Theorien der Kunst, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1982. Taschenbuch-Ausgabe/Paperback (stw 1012) 1992, pp. 132-147.
Perceptual and Aesthetic Aspects of the Movement Response.
In: Journal of Personality, Vol. 19, 1951, pp. 265-281.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Kurt Badt. John Constable's Clouds. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 9, No. 4, June 1951, p. 338.
Francis Reitman. Psychotic Art. A Study of the products of the mentally ill.. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 10, No. 2, Dec. 1951, p. 176.



Agenda for the Psychology of Art.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 10, June 1952, pp. 310-314.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Lancelot L. Whyte (ed.): Aspects of Form. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 11, No. 1, Sept. 1952, pp. 78-79.
James J. Gibson. The Perception of the Visual World. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 11, No. 2, Dec. 1952, pp. 172-173.



(With Abraham Klein) Perceptual Analysis of a Rorschach Card.
In: Journal of Personality, Vol. 22, No. 1, Sept. 1953, pp. 60-70.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Swedish translation: Perceptionspsykologiska och estetiska aspekter på Rörelseresponser. In: Sandström, Sven (ed.): Konst och Psykologi, Lund: CWK Gleerup Bokförlag 1970, pp. 109-123.
Artistic Symbols - Freudian and otherwise.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 12, Sept. 1953, pp. 93-97.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Movimento organico ed inorganico.
In: Rivista del Cinema Italiano (Mailand), No. 9, September 1953, pp. 86-91.
(Vorabdruck aus "Art and Visual Perception", übersetzt von R.A.).
David Katz: 1884-1953.
In: American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 66, Oct. 1953, pp. 638-642.



Art and Visual Perception. A Psychology of the Creative Eye. (Kunst und Sehen).
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1954, 5th printing 1967. (Paperback 1954, 1965).
A Complexity Scale of Movement.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 13, No. 1, Sept. 1954, pp. 104-108.
(A Section of "Art and Visual Perception").
(Introduction to):
Snyder Jaffe, Judith: The Expressive Meaning of a Dance.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 12, No. 4, June 1954, pp. 518.
(Report of a study done by a Sarah Lawrence College student under R.A.'s supervision).
Margaret Naumburg. Psychoneurotic Art: Its Function in Psychotherapy. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 13, No. 1, Sept. 1954, pp. 113-114.
The Psychologist who came to Dinner.
In: College Art Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, Winter 1954, pp. 107-112.
(Paper read at annual meeting of the Commission on Art Education, New York, March 1954).
Reprint: What kind of Psychology? in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



A Review of Proportion.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 14, 1955, pp. 44-57.
Reprint in: Kepes, Gyorgy (ed.): Module, Proportion, Symmetry, Rythm, New York: Braziller 1966, pp. 218-230.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Gekürzte deutsche Übersetzung/Abbreviated German translation (Titel in Englisch) in: Kontur. Zeitschrift für Kunsttheorie, No. 12, pp. 5-11 (übersetzt von Erich Ess).



Ian Rawlins. Aesthetics and the Gestalt. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 14, No. 3, March 1956, pp. 393-394.
Lancelot L. Whyte. Accent on Form: An Anticipation of the Science of Tomorrow. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 14, No. 4, p. 503.
Convocation address, Sept. 28, 1956.
In: Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, Fall 1956, pp. 8-10.
(Illustrated with R.A.'s photographs).



Aleks Pontvik. Heilen durch Musik. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 15, No. 3, March 1957, pp. 369-370.
Accident and the Necessity of Art.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 16, Sept. 1957, pp. 18-31.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Swedish translation: Slump och nödvändighet. In: Konstrevy, Häfte 4, 1959, pp. 168ff.
The artist conscious and subconscious, a psychologist looks at inspiration.
In: Art News, Vol. 56, 1957, pp. 31-33. (Address given at American Federation of Arts convention, Houston/Texas, April 3-6, 1957).
Reprint in: The Palette, Vol. 40, No. 1, Spring 1961.
Reprint: On inspiration. In: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



Gillo Dorfles. Discorso tecnico della arti. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 16, No. 3, March 1958, 399-400.
Jurgen Ruesch & Weldon Kees. Non-Verbal Communication. Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 16, No. 3, March 1958, pp. 400-401.
Art and well-being.
In: The Independent School Bulletin, Series 57-58, No. 4, May 1958, pp. 6-8.
(Address delivered to the Art Section of the Secondary Education Board's 32nd annual conference, New York, March 7-8, 1958).
Looking forward.
In: Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1958, pp. 4, 5, 22.
Emotion and feeling in psychology and art.
In: Confinia Psychiatrica, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1958, pp. 69-88.
Reprint in: Henle, Mary (ed.): Documents of Gestalt Psychology, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press 1961, pp. 334-351.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Aron Gurwitsch. Théorie du Champ de la Conscience. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Social Research, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 487-489.



Form and the consumer.
In: College Art Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, Fall 1959, pp. 2-9.
(Paper read at a Symposium on the Arts, Wellesley College, Feb. 25, 1959).
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Information Theory: An Introductory Note.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 17, No. 4, June 1959, pp. 501-503.
(Chairman's introduction to a symposium entitled Information theory and the arts, held at the 1957 convention of the American Psychological Association in New York City).
The Robin and the Saint: On the Twofold Nature of the Artistic Image.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 18, No. 1, Sept. 1959, pp. 68-79.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Zum Zweck der Kunst.
In: Industrie und Kunst Linz. Linz: H. Bauer 1959, pp. 95-96.
La psicologia della forma e l'arte.
In: Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte. Ed. by Istituto per la Collaborazione Culturale, Venedig/Rom 1959, pp. 195-199.



Gestalten von Gestern und Heute.
In: Weinhandl, Ferdinand (ed.): Gestalthaftes Sehen - Ergebnisse und Aufgaben der Morphologie. Zum hundertjährigen Geburtstag von Christian von Ehrenfels, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1960, pp. 79-85.
Übersetzung (translated by R.A.): Gestalten - Yesterday and Today. In: Henle, Mary (ed.): Documents of Gestalt Psychology, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press 1961, pp. 90-96.
Perceptual Analysis of a Symbol of Interaction.
In: Confinia Psychiatrica, Vol. 3, 1960, pp. 193-216.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Swedish Translation: Perceptuell analys av en interaktionssymbol. In: Sandström, Sven (ed.): Konst och Psykologi, Lund: CWK Gleerup Bokförlag 1970, pp. 124-145.



Alfred Neumeyer. Glanz des Schönen. Gespräche mit Bildern. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 19, No. 3, Spring 1961, pp. 352-353.
Perceptual Analysis of a Cosmological Symbol.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 19, 1961, pp. 389-399.
(Condensation and revision of the 1960 paper: Perceptual Analysis of a Symbol of Interaction. Given as presidential address at the 18th annual convention of the American Society for Aesthetics, New York City, Oct. 28, 1960).
Übersetzung: Wahrnehmungsanalyse eines kosmologischen Symbols. In: Kontur. Zeitschrift für Kunsttheorie, No. 22, 1964, pp. 1-17 (translated by Erich van Ess).
Reprint in: Syn. Internationale Beiträge zur neuen Kunst, No. 1, 1965, pp. 45-58 (Text in German and English).
Joshua C. Taylor. Learning to Look: A Handbook for the Visual Arts. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1961, pp. 475-476.
Contemplation and Creativity.
In: Gosebruch, Martin (ed.): Festschrift Kurt Badt zum siebzigsten Geburtstage, Berlin: DeGruyter 1961, pp. 8-16.
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
The Form we seek.
In: Craft Horizons, Vol. 21, No. 6, 1961, pp. 32-35.
(Paper read at 4th National Conference of the American Craftsmen's Council in Seattle, Wash., Aug. 27-29, 1961).
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



Picasso's Guernica. Genesis of a Painting.
Berkeley und Los Angeles: University of California 1962. 1973.
The Creative Process.
In: Psychologische Beiträge, Band 6, Heft 3/4: Festschrift für Wolfgang Köhler, 1962, pp. 374-382.
(Excerpts from Matchette Foundation Lectures on "The Creative Process" given at Brooklyn College, New York, April 1961).
E. H. Gombrich. Art and Illusion. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Art Bulletin. Vol. 44, March 1962, pp. 75-79.
Reprint: Art History and the Partial God. In: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
What do eyes contribute?
In: AV Communication Review, Vol. 10, No. 5, 1962, pp. 10-21.
Published (under title: The myth of the bleating lamb) as one of the papers presented at the Society of Typographic Arts conference on "Form and Meaning", Allerton Park, Univ. of Illinois, Oct. 19-21, 1962, pp. 55-63.
Portuguese Translation: O mito do cordeiro que bale. In: Jornal Brasileiro de Psicologia, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1964, pp. 5-17 (translated by Prof. Arno Engelmann).
Expanded Version: The Myth of the Bleating Lamb. In: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



Picasso's "Nightfishing at Antibes".
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 22, 1963, pp. 165-167.
(Part of a symposium, "One Painting - Three Approaches").
Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.



Vision in Art.
In: Art Education, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan. 1964, pp. 14-15.
(Summary of an address given at National Art Educators Association Conference, Kansas City, Mo., March 13, 1963).
Heimo Kuchling. Kritik der bildenden Kunst des XX. Jahrhunderts. (Rezension / Book Review).
Alfred Neumeyer. Die Kunst in unserer Zeit: Versuch einer Deutung. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 22, No. 3, Spring 1964, pp. 339-342.
From Function to Expression.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 23, No. 1, Fall 1964, pp. 24-41.
Adapted and reprinted: Function and Expression. In: Connection. Visual Arts at Harvard, March 1965, pp. 28-35.
Original Reprint in: Toward a Psychology of Art, 1966.
Reprint in: Beardsley, Monroe C. and Schueller, Herbert M. (eds.): Aesthetic Inquiry. Essays on Art Criticism and the Philosophy of Art, Belmont, Calif.: Dickenson Publ. Co 1967, pp. 199-214.
Deutsche Übersetzung: Funktion und Ausdruck. In: Archithese, Heft 5, 1973, pp. 5-16 (translated by Suzanne Ghirardelli).
What is Art for?
In: Teachers College Record, Vol. 66, No. 1, Oct. 1964, pp. 46-53.
(Adapted from an address given at Cooper Union, New York, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1963).



Child Art and Visual Thinking.
In: Lewis, Hilda P. (ed.): Child Art, the Beginnings of Self Affirmation, Berkeley, Calif.: Diablo Press 1965, pp. 44-45.
(Remarks at a conference held at the Univ. of California, Berkeley, May 7-9, 1965).
Visual Thinking.
In: Kepes, Gyorgy (ed.): Education of Vision, New York: Braziller 1965, pp. 1-14.
H. R. Graetz. The Symbolic Language of Vincent van Gogh. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 10, 1965, pp. 100-101.
Geraldine Pelles. Art, Artists, and Society. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Social Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, Summer 1965, pp. 211-214.
What is a Critic?
In: Saturday Review, 48, No. 35, Aug. 28, 1965, pp. 26-27.
(Originally presented at a symposium entitled "The Critic and the Visual Arts" at the American Federation of Arts convention, Boston, 1965. Entire symposium published by the AFA).
Die geometrische Form in der modernen Kunst.
In: Das Kunstwerk, Vol. 19, Sept. 1965, p. 3.
(Translation of a section of "Art and Visual Perception": Geometrical shape in modern art).
Alfred Neumeyer. Der Blick aus dem Bilde. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 24, No. 2, Winter 1965, pp. 319-320.



Toward a Psychology of Art. Collected Essays. (Zur Psychologie der Kunst).
Berkeley und Los Angeles: University of California Press 1966. (Paperback 1972).
Order and Complexity in Landscape Design.
In: Toward a Psychology of Art, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press 1966, pp. 123-135.
(Previously unpublished paper written in 1960 for a projected handbook of landscape architecture).
Is Modern Art Necessary?
In: Toward a Psychology of Art, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press 1966, pp. 343-352.
(Enlarged version of an address presented at the annual meeting of the Western Arts Association in Louisville, Ky., April 1958. Previously unpublished).
The Dynamics of Shape.
In: Design Quarterly, No. 64, Minneapolis, Minn.: Walker Art Center, 1966, pp. 1-32.
From a Japanese Notebook.
In: Sarah Lawrence Journal, Spring 1966, pp. 18-21.
Image and Thought.
In: Kepes, Gyorgy (ed.): Sign, Image, Symbol, New York: Braziller 1966, pp. 62-77.
(First draft of an essay later published as a chapter in "Visual Thinking", 1969).
Robert Waelder. Psychoanalytic Avenues to Art (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 11, No. 7, July 1966, pp. 322-323.
Inside and Outside in Architecture: a Symposium.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 25, No. 1, Fall 1966, pp. 3-7.
(Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics in Washington, D.C., 1965).
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 45-51.
New Prospects in Design Education.
Symposium held on the occasion of the inauguration of G. D. Culler as president of the Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia. Publ. by the College, 1966. 5 p.
In: Journal of American Society of Graphic Arts, No. 5, 1966, pp. 12-13.
(Excerpts from a more extensive statement).
Sharing the Passion and the Action (Rezension / Book Review: Helen M. Lynd. Toward Discovery).
In: Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine, Winter 1966, pp. 16-17, 21.
Preface to
Toney, Anthony: Creative Painting and Drawing, New York: Dover 1966, pp. vii-x.



Constancy and Abstraction.
In: Mühlher, Robert und Fischl, Johann (eds.): Gestalt und Wirklichkeit. Festgabe für Ferdinand Weinhandl, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1967, pp. 71-78.
(A section of Visual Thinking, 1969).
Intelligence simulated.
In: Midway, a magazine of discovery in the arts and sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, June 1967, pp. 81-89.
(A section of Visual Thinking, 1969).
Abstraction and Empathy in Retrospect.
In: Confinia Psychiatrica, 10, 1967, pp. 1-15.
Reprint in: Modulus, Vol. 9, 197?, pp. 73-83. (A publication of the School of Architecture, Univ. of Virginia).
Reprint: Wilhelm Woringer on Abstraction and Empathy. In: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 50-62.
Introduction to Teaching Guide for
My Weekly Reader. Art Gallery Series, No. 7 & 8, Columbus, Ohio: Educational Center 1967.
(Comments on) Patricia Carpenter's ",The Musical Object".
In: Current Musicology, No. 5, 1967, pp. 94-95.



Study of Visual Factors in Concept Formation.
Washington: U.S. Office of Education. (ERIC report no. OEC 1-6-061741-1196. Enlarged and published as: Visual Thinking, 1969).
Comments and discussion on a symposium: From perceiving to performing - an aspect of cognitive growth.
In: Ontario Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 10, No. 3, Spring 1968, pp. 203-207.
(Symposium held at American Psychological Association meeting in Washington, D.C., Sept. 1967).
Abraham Moles. Information Theory and Esthetic Perception (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 26, No. 4, Summer 1968, pp. 552-554.
Vision and thought.
In: Perspectives on Education, Fall 1968, pp. 19-23.
Notes on the imagery of Dante's Purgatorio.
In: Sarah Lawrence Journal, Winter 1968, pp. 58-63.
Reprint in: Gosebruch, M. und Dittmar, L. (eds.): Argo. Festschrift für Kurt Badt zu seinem 80. Geburtstag, Köln: DuMont Schauberg 1970, pp. 57-61.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 153-158.



Visual Thinking. (Anschauliches Denken).
Berkeley und Los Angeles: University of California Press 1969. (Paperback 1971). 1989.
Claude Wiart. Expression picturale et psychopathologie (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 27, No. 3, Spring 1969, pp. 362-363.
(With Eduard F. Sekler) Otto Schubert. Optik in Architektur und Städtebau. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Society of Architectural Historians Journal, Vol. 28, March 1969, pp. 77-79.
Painted Skies and Unicorns (Rezension / Book Review: Nelson Goodman. Languages of Art; an Approach to a Theory of Symbols).
In: Science, Vol. 164, pp. 697-698.
(Introductory Remarks at a Symposium) Architecture and the Climate for Learning.
In: Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine, Fall/Winter 1969, p. 20.
Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Psychology.
In: Salmagundi, Fall 1969/Winter 1970, pp. 97-103.
Reprint in: Boyers, Robert (ed.): The Legacy of the German Refugee Intellectuals, New York: Schocken 1972, pp. 97-103.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 31-38. (With Drawing of Wertheimer by R.A., May 1942).



Rhoda Kellogg. Analyzing Children's Art (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 40, No. 1, Feb. 1970, pp. 135-137.
Jean-Paul Weber. The Psychology of Art (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 15, 1970, pp. 122-123, 127.
The Dazzle of Things Past (Rezension / Book Review: Hans M. Wingler. The Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago).
In: Technology Review, Vol. 72, No. 6, April 1970, pp. 18-19.
Manfred Kiemle. Aesthetische Probleme der Architektur unter dem Aspekt der Informationsaesthetik (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 28, No. 4, Summer 1970, pp. 551-552.
The Psychology of Perception. A Symposium on Art and Perception held at the 2nd Congress of the International Association of Art Critics, in Ottawa and Toronto, Aug. 1970.
In: Minutes of the Congress, pp. 3-32.
Words in their place.
In: The Journal of Typographic Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, Sept. 1970, pp. 199-212.
(A section of Visual Thinking, 1969).
Concerning an Adoration.
In: Art Education. Journal of the National Art Educators Assoc., Vol. 23, No. 8, Nov. 1970, pp. 20-27.
(Analysis of Giovanni di Paolo's "Adoration").
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 3-10.
Richard Wollheim. Art and its Objects, an Introduction to Aesthetics (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Art Bulletin, Vol. 52, No. 4, Dec. 1970, pp. 471-473.



Entropy and Art. An Essay on Disorder and Order. (Entropie und Kunst).
Berkeley und Los Angeles: University of California Press 1971. (Paperback 1974). 1983.
Teilnachdruck online: http://acnet.pratt.edu/%7Earch543p/readings/Arnheim.html (Stand: 25.7.2006)
Comments on the article "The Information Available in Pictures" (James J. Gibson).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1971, p. 197.
Wolfgang Köhler. The Task of Gestalt Psychology (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetic and Art Criticism, Vol. 29, No. 3, Spring 1971, pp. 423-424.
Prof. Arnheim replies to Monroe Beardsley's review of "Visual Thinking".
In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 1971, pp. 186-187.
Visual perception and thinking.
In: Viewpoints. Bulletin of the School of Education (Title of this issue: "Aspects of perception - their relation to instructional communications"), Indiana Univ., Vol. 47, No. 4, July 1971, pp. 99-111.
Art and Humanism.
In: Art Education, Vol. 24, No. 7, Oct. 1971, pp. 5-9. (Address presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the National Art Education Association in Dallas, Texas, April 1971).
Derived Reprint "The Perceptual Challenge in Art Education" in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 231-239.
James Hogg (ed.). Psychology and the Visual Arts (Rezension / Book Review).
R. A. Durr. Poetic Vision and the Psychedelic Experience (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 16, 1971, p. 459-461.
A Reply to Hans Jonas.
In: Journal of Aesthetic and Art Criticism, Vol. 30, 1971/72, pp. 111-117.



Lemonade and the Perceiving Mind.
(Prepared for a Conference on Visual Communication in Art and Science for the Australian National Advisory Committee for Unesco, Melbourne, January 1972).
Published in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 169-173.
Art as an Attribute, not a Noun.
In: Arts in Society, Vol. 9, Spring-Summer 1972, pp. 37-44.
Optics, Painting and Photography, by M. H. Pirenne (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 17, May 1972, pp. 298-299.
Inverted Perspective in Art: Display and Expression.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1972, p. 125-135.
Developed Reprint: "Inverted Perspective and the Axiom of Realism" in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 159-185.
Inverted Perspective in Art (A Reply to Kenneth R. Adams' Comments).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1972, p. 283.
Learning by Pictures.
Preface to: Psychology Today - An Introduction, 2nd ed., Del Mar, California: DRM Books 1972
Reprint: Psychology Digest, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972, pp. 4-6. (Same Publisher as above).
Snippets and Seeds - Notes from a Journal. I-XI.
In: Salmagundi,
No. 19, Spring 1972, pp. 91-95;
No. 21, Winter 1973, pp. 90-95;
No. 25, Winter 1974. pp.77-80;
No. 27, Summer/Fall 1974, pp. 112-117;
No. 35, Fall 1976, pp. 65-70;
No. 40, Winter 1978, pp. 122-126;
No. 43, Winter 1979, pp. 156-162;
No. 46, Fall 1979, pp. 120-126;
Nos. 50/51, Fall 1980/Winter 1981, pp. 269-276;
Nos. 52/53, Spring/Summer 1981, pp. 119-123 (Notes on the great Picasso Show);
No. 56, Spring 1982, pp. 170-176.
Eyes they have, but they see not. A conversation with R.A. about a generation that has lost touch with its senses, by James R. Petersen.
In: Psychology Today, June 1972, pp. 55-59.
German Translation: Wir denken zu viel und sehen zu wenig. In: Psychologie heute, Vol. 6, April 1979, pp. 23-29.
Form and transform.
(Introduction to exhibit catalog:) Transformation: Exhibition of work by faculty, students & visiting artists.
Cambridge, Mass.: Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvart University 1972.



On Entropy and Art (re: Peter Lloyd Jones, Michael Hoare).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1973, p. 188.
On Entropy and Art (re: Michael Hoare).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1973, p. 282.
Essay for Catalog "Works in Review" by Gyorgy Kepes.
Exhibit held at Museum of Science, Boston, May 15 - Sept. 12, 1973, pp. 10-14.
The Expressiveness of Visual Form: 1. Expression.
In: Rader, Melvin (ed.): A Modern Book of Aesthetics, 4th ed., New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973, pp. 308-318.
(Chapter from "Art and Visual Perception", 1954).
Hans & Shulamith Kreitler. Psychology of the Arts. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 18, 1973, pp. 646-647.



Art and Visual Perception. A Psychology of the Creative Eye. The New Version. (Kunst und Sehen. Neufassung).
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1974. 1983.
The aesthetic approach: Notes on creativity.
In: Rosner, Stanley and Abt, Lawrence (eds.): Essays in Creativity, Crotonnon-Hudson, N.Y.: North River Press 1974, pp. 7-21.
(Reprint of Chap. I of "Picasso's Guernica")
On Order, Simplicity and Entropy.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 1974, p. 139-141.
Reprint in: Malina, Frank J. (ed.): Visual Art, Mathematics and Computers, New York: Pergamon Press 1979.
Comment on Robert Hansen's Article on Curvilinear Perspective.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 32, No. 3, Spring 1974, p. 424.
Commencement speech (given in May 1974).
In: Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine, Summer 1974, pp. 16-18.
Lemonade and the Perceiving Mind.
In: Moorhouse, Charles E. (ed.): Visual Education, Carlton, Australia: Isaac Pty 1974, pp. ix-xii.
Leonard Zusne. Visual Perception of Form. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 7, No. 3, Summer 1974, p. 273.
And this is about Conceptual Art. (Exercises of the imagination).
In: New York Times, July 13, 1974, Op-ed page.
Words playing with shapes.
In: Harvard Magazine, July/Aug. 1974, pp. 66-67.
Virtues and vices of the visual media.
In: Olson, David R. (ed.): The Media and Symbols. The 73rd Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1974, pp. 180-210.
Rudolf Arnheim: An Interview, by Peter Galassi.
In: Afterimage 2, Nov. 1974, pp. 2-5.
To: Golomb, Claire: Young Children's Sculpture and Drawing: a study in representational development.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1974.
Colors - Irrational and rational.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 33, Winter 1974, pp. 149-154.
Übersetzung/Translation: Couleurs: irrationel et rationel. In: Change, Paris: Seghers/Laffaut, 1976, pp. 33-42.
Reprint "The Rationalization of Color" in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 205-213.



Thomas Mann and Rudolf Arnheim: an unpublished exchange of letters.
In: Michigan Germanic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1975, pp. 2-8.
Anwendungen gestalttheoretischer Prinzipien auf die Kunst.
In: Ertel, S. / Kemmler, L. / Stadler, M. (eds.): Gestalttheorie in der modernen Psychologie. Festschrift für Wolfgang Metzger, Darmstadt: Steinkopf 1975.
Bemerkungen zum Schöpferischen.
In: Bader, Alfred (ed.): Geisteskrankheit, bildnerischer Ausdruck und Kunst. Eine Sammlung von Texten zur Psychopathologie des Schöpferischen, Bern: Huber 1975, pp. 60-67.
(Excerpt from German ed. of "Picassos Guernica").
In: Schuthof, Piet / Teyken, Cees (eds.): Reader beeldend onderwijs, Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff 1975, pp. 51-78.
(Translation of chapter on Balance in "Art and Visual Perception, New version").
Perception, impact and response to visual imagery.
In: Visual Communication in Art and Science, Canberra, Australian Govt. Publ. Service, 1975, pp. 32-45.
(Keynote address given at the Australian UNESCO Seminar, held in Melbourne in 1972).
Visual perception in the arts.
In: Lindzey, Gardner / Hall, C. / Thompson, R. F. (eds.): Psychology, New York: Worth Publ. 1975, pp. 108-113.
On art therapy: a conversation with R.A. (Interview by Shaun McNiff).
In: Art Psychotherapy 2, No. 3-4, 1975, pp. 195-202.
Letter: From contrast to assimilation in art and in the eye.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 8, Summer 1975, p. 270-271.
A communication on the spatial orientation of letters.
In: Visible Language, Vol. 9, No. 4, Autumn 1975, pp. 375-376.
Klaus-Peter Denker. Text-Bilder: Visuelle Poesie International. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 8, Winter 1975, p. 260-261.
Does anything go?
In: Introspect (Dublin), No. 1, Dec. 1975, p. 3.



An ABC of space for architecture.
In: The Structurist, No. 15/16, 1975/76, pp. 8-12.
(First draft of Chapter I of "The Dynamics of Architectural Form").
Concerning the dance.
In: Salmagundi, No. 33/34, Spring/Summer 1976, pp. 89-92.
(Reprinted from "Toward a Psychology of Art").
Multiplicidad y Picasso.
In: Iddeas (Caracas, Venezuela), No. 6, 1976. (Transl. by Miriam Recio).
(Translation of "Multiplicity and Picasso", privately printed by the Art Dept. of Univ. of Utah, 1974. This is the text of a paper given at the annual meeting of the College Art Assoc., San Francisco).
The Perception of Maps.
In: The American Cartographer, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1976, pp. 5-10.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 194-202.
The Unity of the Arts: Time, Space, and Distance.
In: Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, No. 25, Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Press 1976, pp. 7-13.
Reprint "Unity and Diversity of the Arts". In: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 65-77.
Visual Aspects of Concrete Poetry.
In: Strelka, Joseph P. (ed.): Yearbook of Comparative Criticism, Vol. 7, Philadelphia, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press 1976, pp. 91-109.
Reprint of shortened and slightly altered Version in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 90-101.
What Is an Aesthetic Fact?
In: Studies in Art History. Middle Atlantic Symposium on History of Art 1974/76, Baltimore: Univ. of Maryland Press 1976, pp. 43-51.
Derived Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 65-72.
Editorial. (On "conceptual art").
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 35, No. 1, Fall 1976, pp. 3-4.
Form durch Verformung. (Rezension / Book Review: Juergen Weber. Gestalt Bewegung Farbe).
In: Artis, Vol. 28, Sept. 1976, pp. 26-27.
Robert W. Witkin. The Intelligence of Feeling. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetic and Art Criticism, Vol. 35, No. 2, Winter 1976, pp. 237.
Wolfgang Metzger. Gesetze des Sehens. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 11, 1976, pp. 803-804.
To: Mary Henle (ed.): Vision and Artifact, New York: Springer 1976, pp. xiii-xvi.



The Dynamics of Architectural Form. (Die Dynamik der architektonischen Form)
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1977. (Paperback 1978).
Comments on Professor Hayashi's paper: On the composition of emakimoro scrolls.
In: Hiroshima Forum for Psychology (Hiroshima, Japan), Vol. 4, 1977, pp. 9-11.
The Art of psychotics.
In: Art Psychotherapy, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, 1977, pp. 113-120.
From the surface into depth.
In: Bulletin of Rhode Island School of Design, Vol. 63, No. 4, Winter 1977, pp. 36-40.
(Convocation address delivered at RISD, Fall 1977).
Musings of a reader.
In: Art Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1977, pp. 11-14.
Wolfgang Metzger. Gesetze des Sehens. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 10, Summer 1977, p. 245.
Perception of Perspective Pictorial Space from Different Viewing Points.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1977, p. 283-288.
Rewards today and perhaps tomorrow..
In: LSA Journal, Univ. of Michigan, Vol. 1, No. 3, Fall 1977, pp. 8-9.
(Speech given at Phi Beta Kappa awards convocation, April 1977).
Symbols in architecture.
In: Salmagundi, No. 36, Winter 1977, pp. 69-75.
(Excerpt from "The Dynamics of Architectural Form").
Thoughts on durability: Architecture as an affirmation of confidence.
In: A.I.A. Journal, Vol. 66, June 1977, pp. 48-50.
(Excerpts from the Raoul Wallenberg Lecture given at the Univ. of Michigan School of Architecture, October 1976).
Über das Sichtbare in unserer Welt.
In: Grisebach, Lucius / Rengers, Konrad (eds.): Festschrift für Otto von Simson zum 65. Geburtstag, Frankfurt am Main: Propyläen Verlag 1977, pp. 9-18.



Brunelleschi's Peepshow.
In: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, Vol. 41, 1978, pp. 57-60.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 186-193.
Notes on Creative Invention.
In: Sekler, Eduard / Curtis, Wm. (eds.): Le Corbusier at Work, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1978, pp. 261-266.
Perception of Perspective Pictorial Space from Different Viewing Points (re: William A. Adams).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1978, p. 173.
On Interpreting Pictorial Art (re: David R. Topper).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1978, p. 174.
On the Late Style of Life and Art.
In: Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 17, No. 2, Spring 1978, pp. 149-156.
Derived Reprint "On the Late Style" in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 285-293.
Space as an Image of Time.
In: Kroeber, Karl and Walling, William (eds.): Images of Romanticism. Verbal and Visual Affinities, New Haven: Yale Univ. Press 1978, pp. 1-12.
(An expanded version of a paper presented as the annual A.A. & C.E.A. Foerster Lecture on "The Immortality of the Soul" at the University of California, Berkeley, Oct. 23, 1975).>
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 35-44.
Spatial Aspects of Graphological Expression.
In: Visible Language, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring 1978, pp. 163-169.
A Stricture on Space and Time.
In: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 1978, pp. 645-655.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 78-89.
Visiting Palucca.
In: Dance Scope, Vol. 13, No. 1, Fall 1978, pp. 6-11.
(Deutsche Übersetzung/German Translation): Ein Wiedersehen mit Palucca. In: Die Weltbühne (East Berlin), Vol. 74, Jan. 1979, pp. 11-15.



(Mit Werner Korb) Visuelle Wahrnehmungsprobleme beim Aufbau chemischer Demonstrationselemente.
In: Neue Unterrichtspraxis, Vol. 12, März 1979, pp. 117-123.
E. H. Gombrich. The Sense of Order. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: The New Republic, March 10, 1979, pp. 36-38.
Fragments - good ones and bad ones.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 37, Spring 1979, pp. 351-352.
Max Beckmann's Begin the Beguine.
In: Eighty Works. The Collection of the University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Museum of Art 1979.
Some Comments on J. J. Gibson's Approach to Picture Perception.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1979, p. 121-122.
The Melody of Motion.
(Keynote Address, Laban Centennial Celebration, Laban Institute of Movement Studies, New York, June 1979).
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 127-132.
The tools of art - old and new.
In: Technicum (School of Engineering, University of Michigan), Summer 1979, pp. 2-9.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 123-132.
The dimensions of disagreement.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 38, Fall 1979, pp. 15-20.
Derived Reprint "Objective Percepts, Objective Values" in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 297-326.
Visual thinking in education.
In: Sheikh, Anees A. / Shaffer, John T. (eds.): The Potential of Fantasy and Imagination, New York: Brandon House 1979, pp. 215-223.
Reprint: Visual thinking in overview. In: Nodine, C. F. / Fisher, D. F. (eds.): Perception and Pictorial Representation, New York: Prager 1979, pp. xix-xxix.
Derived Reprint: "A Plea for visual thinking", in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 135-152.
Art, poetry, and retardation.
In: Art Psychotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1979, pp. 205-211.
Perception of Perspective Pictorial Space (re: Richard Greene).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1979, p. 349.



A plea for visual thinking.
In: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 6, No. 3, Spring 1980, pp. 489-498.
Reprint in: Mitchell, W. J. T. (ed.): The Language of Images, Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1980, pp. 171-179.
Derived Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 135-152.
William Worringer and Modern Art: Some Reflections on a 75th Anniversary.
In: Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, Spring 1980, pp. 67-71
The Puzzle of Nadia's Drawings.
In: Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1980, pp. 79-85.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 155-163.
Dynamics and invariants.
In: Fisher, John (ed.): Perceiving Artworks, Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1980, pp. 166-184.
Derived Reprint "Objective Percepts, Objective Values" in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 297-326.
The reach of reality in the arts.
In: Dispositio, Vol. 5, Nos. 13/14, 1980, pp. 97-106.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 27-34.
Art as therapy.
In: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1980, pp. 247-251.
(Invited address given for the American Art Therapy Association, November 1980, Kansas City, Mo.).
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 252-257.
J. M. Kennedy's Commentary on my Approach to Art and Visual Perception.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1980, p. 175.
The other Gustav Theodor Fechner.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 2, No. 3/4, Dec. 1980, pp. 133-140.
Frances Pockman Hawkins. The Logic of Action: Young Children at Work. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Canadian Review of Art Education Research, Vol. 6, 1980 & Vol. 7, 1981, pp. 183-184.
Reconsiderations. Review of Herbert S. Langfeld. The Aesthetic Attitude. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 39, No. 2, Winter 1980, pp. 201-203.
Gert Schiff. Images of Horror and Fantasy. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 25, No. 10, Oct. 1980, pp. 840-841.
Drei Wünsche.
In: Inseln im Ich - ein Buch der Wünsche, München: Matthes & Seitz 1980, pp. 53-55, 217-218.
To: Margaret A. Hagen: The Perception of Pictures. Vol. 2, New York: Academic Press 1980.



Style as a Gestalt problem.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 39, No. 3, Spring 1981, pp. 281-289.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 261-273.
Frank D. Russell. Picasso's Guernica, the Labyrinth of Narrative & Vision. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Studies in Visual Communication, Vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 1981, pp. 84-88.
(With Monroe C. Beardsley) An Exchange of Views on Gestalt Psychology and Aesthetic Explanation.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1981, p. 220-223.
Images in time.
In: Bennington Review, No. 11, Sept. 1981, pp. 2-5.
(Chapter 9 of "Power of the Center").
On Application of the Golden Ratio in the Visual Arts (re: Roger Fischler)
In: Leonardo, Vol. 14, No. 4, Fall 1981, p. 349-350.
The state of the art: an introduction.
In: Proceedings of the National Symposium for Research in Art. Review of reseach in visual arts education, No. 14, Fall 1981, pp. 1-3.
Bemerkungen zu Keilers Aufsatz über Isomorphie.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 3, No. 3/4, Dec. 1981, pp. 269-273.
A Turning Point in Movement Therapy.
In: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, Winter 1981, pp. 245-248.
(Rezension / Book Review: Irmgard Bartenieff. Body Movement.)
Derived Reprint: "A System of Expressive Movement" in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 133-136.



The Power of the Center. A Study of Composition in the Visual Arts. (Die Macht der Mitte).
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1982.
Revised edition (with added chapter on architecture) 1983.
Introduction to catalog for Albert Alcalay's one-man show.
Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University, February 1982.
William Hubbard. Complicity and Conviction: Steps toward an Architecture of Convention. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 1982, pp. 435-436.
To: Ellen Winner: Invented Worlds; the Psychology of the Arts, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1982.
A Critical Account of some of Josef Albers' Concepts of Color (re: Alan Lee).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 15, No. 2, Spring 1982, p. 174-175.
Le arti e la psicologia.
In: Pizzo Russo, Lucia (ed.): Estetica e Psicologia, Bologna: Società Editrice il Mulino 1982, pp. 13-15.
Appreciation of Dr. J. Frank Malina.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 15, No. 3, Summer 1982, p. 256.
Review of "Structure in Science and Art" by Peter Medawar and Julian H. Shelley.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 15, No. 4, Fall 1982, p. 316.
An Interview with R.A., by Elaine Flory Fisher.
In: Design for Arts in Education, Sept./Oct. 1982, pp. 4-7.
Beyond the Graces and the Muses.
In: Fforum. Newsletter of the English Composition Board, University of Michigan, Vol. 4, No. 1, Fall 1982, pp. 60-63.
Peter Fuller. Art and Psychoanalysis. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1982, pp. 210-211.
F. David Martin. Sculpture and Enlivened Space. (Rezension / Book Review).
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 40, No. 4, Summer 1982, pp. 435-436.
Umblättern, immer umblättern ...
Introduction to: Fridhelm Klein: Erkundungen, München: Prestel Verlag 1982.



Style as a gestalt problem.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 5 (1), March 1983, pp. 3-15.
Victor Lowenfeld and Tactility.
In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 17, Summer 1983.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 240-251.
On Rauschenbach's Paper (re: inverted perspective; Boris V. Rauschenbach).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1983, p. 334.
Forty-five Years After Guernica.
In: Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 22, Winter 1983, pp. 1-8.
Reprint as: Picasso at Guernica. In: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 74-81.
The Rationale of Deformation.
In: Art Journal, Winter 1983, pp. 319-324.
Reprint as: Caricature. The Rationale of Deformation. In: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 101-114.
On Duplication.
In: Dutton, Denis (ed.): The Forger's Art, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1983.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, pp. 274-284.



Perceptual Dynamics in Musical Expression.
In: Musical Quarterly, Vol. 70, Summer 1984.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 214-227.
Review of "Distortion in Art: The Eye and the Mind" by J. B. Deregowski.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1984, p. 302.



Zwischenrufe. Kleine Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1926-1940.
Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort von Ursula Madrasch-Groschopp sowie mit einem Nachwort von Rudolf Arnheim. Textauswahl unter Mitarbeit von Klaus Pankow.
Leipzig und Weimar: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag 1985. (Gustav Kiepenheuer Bücherei 61).
Psychology and aesthetics.
In: Koch, Sigmund / Leary, David E. (eds.): A century of psychology as science, 1985 (reprinted 1992), pp. 855-865.
In Favor of Confrontation.
In: Salmagundi, No. 67, Summer 1985, pp. 129-134.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 3-6.
Review of "Picasso, Guernica" by Eberhard Fisch; "Picasso's Guernica after Ruben's Horrors of War" by Alice Doumenian Tankard.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1985, p. 116.
The Role of Projective Geometry and Perspective.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1985, p. 126.
The Struggle for Law and Order.
In: Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 24, Spring 1985, pp. 169-175.
Derived Reprint: "Two Ways of Being Human" in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 165-168.
The Double-Edged Mind: Intuition and the Intellect.
In: Eisner, Elliot W. (ed.): Learning the Ways of Knowing. 85th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Chicago 1985.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 13-30.
The other Gustav Theodor Fechner.
In: Koch, Sigmund / Leary, David E. (eds.): A Century of Psychology as Science, New York: McGraw-Hill 1985.
Reprint in: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, 1986, S. 39-49.



New Essays on the Psychology of Art. (Neue Beiträge).
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1986 (Paperback).
The artistry of psychotics.
In: American Scientist, Vol. 74 (1), Jan.-Feb. 1986, pp. 48-54.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 144-154.
To the Rescue of Art.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986, p. 95.
The Two Faces of Gestalt Psychology.
In: American Psychologist, Vol. 41 (7), July 1986, pp. 820-824.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 206-214..
The Trouble with Wholes and Parts.
In: New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 4 (3), 1986, pp. 281-284.
A Reply to Hochberg and Perkins.
In: New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 4 (3), 1986, pp. 301-302.
The Images of Pictures and Words.
In: Word & Image, Vol. 2, October-December 1986, pp. 306-310.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 45-52.



Visual Aesthetics.
In: Eliade, Mircea (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Religion, New York: Macmillan 1987.
Derived Reprint as: Art as Religion. In: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 227-
Review of "Alles Veloziferisch: die Eisenbahn, vom Ungeheuer zur Ästhetik der Geschwindigkeit".
In: Leonardo, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1987, p. 99.
Progress in Color Composition.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1987, p. 165.
Review of "World War I and the Weimar Artists: Dix, Grosz, Beckmann, Schlemmer" by Matthias Eberle.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1987, p. 199.
Concerning Isomorphism (re: Roy R. Behrens).
In: Leonardo, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1987, p. 210.
The Reading of Images and the Images of Reading.
In: Hefferman, James A. W. (ed.): Space, Time, Image, Sign, New York: Peter Lang 1987.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 45-52.
Praegnanz and its discontents.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 9 (2), June 1987, pp. 102-107.
The State of the Art in Perception.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1987, p. 305.
A Maverick in Art History.
(Lecture at the Convention of Midwestern Art History in Ann Arbor, 1987).
Derived Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 104-110.



The Power of the Center. Revised Version. (Die Macht der Mitte. Neufassung).
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1988.
Universals in Art.
In: Journal of Science and Biological Structures, (11), No. 1, January 1988, pp. 60-65.
Sculpture. The Nature of a Medium.
In: Barnouw, Erik (ed.): International Encyclopedia of Communications, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1988.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 82-91.
Reply to Peter Dodwell and Bela Petheo.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1988, p. 226.
Symmetry and the Organization of Form: A Review Article.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1988, pp. 273-276.
Review of "Arrest and Movement. An Essay on Space and Time in the Representational Art of the Near East" by H. A. Groenewegen-Frankfort.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1988, p. 330.
Review of "Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics" by A. Zee.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1988, p. 457.
Confessions of a Maverick.
In: Salmagundi, Nos. 78-79, Summer 1988, pp. 44-53.
Visual Dynamics.
In: American Scientist, Vol. 76, November-December 1988, pp. 585-591.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 35-44.
Osservazioni sul colore in Delacroix.
In: Eidos. Rivista di Arti, Letteratura e Musica, (3), December 1988, pp. 36-39.



Parables of Sun Light. Observations on Psychology, the Arts and the Rest.
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1989. (Paperback 1990).
Review of "Secret Teachings in the Art of Japanese Gardens: Design Principles, Artistic Values" by David A. Slawson.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1989, p. 126.
What became of Abstraction?
In: Salmagundi, Nos. 82-83, Spring-Summer 1989, pp. 70-71.
Italian Translation: Che fine ha fatto l'arte astratta?. In: Lerrera Internazionale (5), No. 22, 1989, pp. 44-46.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 15-23.
Reply to Arthur Loeb.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1989, p. 282.
Max Wertheimer. (Spoken at the Memorial Meeting for Max Wertheimer at the New School for Social Research, New York City, on November 10, 1943).
In: Psychological Research, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Max Wertheimer Memorial Issue), 1989, pp. 45-46 (with pencil drawing of Wertheimer by R.A., 20.5.1942).
Die verschwindende Welt und Köhlers Tintenfaß (The disappearing world and Koehler's ink-well).
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 11 (3), Sep. 1989, pp. 191-198.
Rudolf Arnheim antwortet (Reply to Stadler and Kruse).
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 11 (4), Dec. 1989, pp. 268-270.
Zum Thema von Zufall und Gesetzlichkeit (On the topic of chance and lawfulness).
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 11 (4), Dec. 1989, pp. 268-270.
Writer's Pointers.
In: Morris, Barbara S.: Disciplinary Perspectives on Thinking and Writing. Ann Arbor: English Composition Board, Univ. of. Michigan 1989
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 53-58.
In the Company of the Century.
In: Cross Currents, Vol. 8, 1989, pp. 145-151.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 236-243.



Thoughts on Art Education.
Los Angeles: Getty Center for Education 1990.
The Artist as Healer.
In: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 17, Spring 1990, pp. 1-4.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 164-171.
Zur Psychologie der Kunst und ihrer Geschichte.
In: Sitt, Martina (Hrsg.): Kunsthistoriker in eigener Sache. Zehn autobiographische Skizzen, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 1990, S. 201-218.
Review of "Art and Physics: Biological Aspects of Aesthetics" by Ingo Rentschler, Barbara Herzburger and David Epstein.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1990, p. 144.
The Vanishing World and Koehler's Inkwell.
In: Rock, Irvin (ed.): The Legacy of Solomon Asch: Essays in Cognition and Social Psychology, Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. 1990, pp. 271-278.
Derived Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 3-6.
Perceptual Aspects of Art for the Blind.
In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 24, No. 3, Fall 1990, pp. 57-65.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 133-143.
Review of "The Mind's Eye: Readings from 'Scientific American'".
In: Leonardo, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1990, pp. 445-446.
(With Harry Rand and Robert Bertholf) Julian Stanczak: Decades of Light
University of Buffalo, Poetry and Rare Book Collection, 1990



Outer Space and Inner Space.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1991.
(Presented at "Arttransition" for the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT, October 1990).
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 42-44.
Review of "The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat" by Martin Kemp.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1991, p. 92.
Beyond the Double Truth.
In: New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 9 (1), 1991, pp. 1-8.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 217-226.
Review of "Seeing Voices. A Journey into the World of the Deaf" by Oliver Sacks.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1991, p. 364.
The Dynamics of Problem Solving.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 13 (4), Dec. 1991, pp. 205-209.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 174-178.
Perception, Cognition, and Visualization.
In: Journal of Biocommunication (18), No. 2, 1991, pp. 2-5.



But is it science?
Cupchik, Gerald C. / Laszlo, Janos (eds.): Emerging Visions of the Aesthetic Process: Psychology, Semiology, and Philosophy, New York: Cambridge University Press 1992, pp. 27-36.
Reprint in: To the Rescue of Art, pp. 175-184.
To the Rescue of Art. Twenty-six Essays.
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1992. (Hardcover + Paperback).
Originalbeiträge: Art among the Objects (pp. 7-14), For your Eyes only. Seven Exercises in Art Appreciation (pp. 61-73), Negative Space in Architecture (pp. 92-100), Art History and Psychology (pp. 115-123), Complementarity from the Outside (pp. 185-192), Interaction. Its Benefits and Costs (pp. 193-199), What is Gestalt Psychology (pp. 200-205).
Review of "The Challenge of Art and Psychology" by Seymour B. Sarason.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1992, p. 98.
The Split and the Structure.
In: Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 31, No. 2, Spring 1992, pp. 195-204.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 3-12.
Gauguin's Homage to Honesty.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1992.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 85-91.
Deus ex Machina.
In: British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1992.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 97-103.
Why Aesthetics Is Needed.
In: The Arts in Psychotherapy (19), No. 3, Fall 1992, pp. 149-151.



Zauber des Sehens.
(Interviewband, herausgegeben von Ingo Hermann).
Göttingen: Lamuv-Verlag 1993.
Review of "Goethe's Botanical Writings" Bertha Mueller, transl.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1993, p. 85.
Review of "Symmetrie, Bauplan der Welt" by Henning Genz.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1993, p. 87.
From Pleasure to Contemplation.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 51, No. 2, Spring 1993, pp. 195-197.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 73-77.
The Way of the Crafts.
In: Design Issues, Vol. 9, Spring 1993.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 33-41.
Sketching and the Psychology of Design..
In: Design Issues, Vol. 9, Spring 1993.
Derived Reprint: "Drawings in Design" in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 52-56.
Notes on Religious Architecture.
In: Languages of Design, Vol. 1, 1993, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.V.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 57-62.
Foreword to: Garau, Augusto: Color Harmonies. Translated by Nicola Bruno.
Chicago/Ill.: Univ. of Chicago Press (May) 1993, pp. vii-xiv.
Review of "Changing Images" by William V. Dunning.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1993, p. 172.
Review of "Rethinking the Forms of Visual Expression" by Robert Sowers.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1993, p. 172.
Review of "Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time and Light" by Leonard Shlain.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1993, p. 262.
A God's Perfection.
In: Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 32, Fall 1993.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 83-84.
Learning by Looking and Thinking.
In: Educational Horizons, Vol. 71, No. 2, Winter 1993, pp. 95-98.
Derived Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 113-119.
The Face and the Mind behind It.
In: Esthetics and the Treatment of Facial Form, Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan 1993.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 139-143.
(With Jacqueline Shinners) Julian Stanczak: Color = Form (exh.cat.)
Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, 1993



Review of "Leonardo da Vinci: The Daedalian Mythmaker" by Giancarlo Maiorino.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1994, p. 83.
The Completeness of Physical and Artistic Form.
In: British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994.
Reprint: "Form as Creation" in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 151-155.
Artistry in Retardation.
In: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 21, No. 5, 1994, pp. 329-332.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 126-132.
Consciousness - an Island of Images.
In: Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 14 (2), Fall 1994, pp. 121-127.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 144-150.
Review of "Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal about Thought" by David McNeil.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1994, p. 358.
Review of "Spiritual Space: The Religious Architecture of Pietro Belluschi" by Meredith Clausen.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1994, p. 358.
Two Sources of Cognition.
In: Advances in Visual Semiotics, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 1994.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 17-23.



A Look at a Century of Growth..
In: Child Development. Art Anthology, National Art Education Association 1995.
Derived Reprint: "As I Saw Children's Art" in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 120-125.
Review of "The Origin of Perspective" by Hubert Damisch, John Goodman, transl.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1995, p. 75.
Review of "Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation" by W. J. T. Mitchell.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1995, p. 75.
Review of "George Rickey in Berlin, 1967-1992" edited by Jörn Merkert and Ursula Prinz.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1995, p. 76.



From Chaos to Wholeness.
In: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 54, 1996.
Reprint in: The Split and the Structure, pp. 156-162.
The Split and the Structure.Twenty-eight Essays.
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1996. (Hardcover + Paperback).
Originalbeiträge: Learning by What Is Around, pp. 13-16; The Symbolism of Light, pp. 78-82; The Echo of the Mountain, pp. 92-96.
Review of "Visual Literacy: Image, Mind and Reality" by Paul Messaris.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1996, p. 77.



Review of "The Body and the Self" by José Luis Bermudéz, Anthony Marcel and Naomi Eilan.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 30, No. 1, 1997, p. 70.
Review of "Engineering A New Architecture" by Tony Robbin.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1997, p. 159.



Wolfgang Koehler and gestalt theory: An English translation of Koehler's introduction to Die physischen Gestalten for philosophers and biologists.
In: History of Psychology, Vol. 1 (1), Feb. 1998, pp. 21-26.
Review of "Siegfried Kracauer and Erwin Panofsky: Briefwechsel 1941-1966" edited by Volker Breidecke.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1998, pp. 74-75.
Beginning with the Child.
In: Fineberg, Jonathan (ed.): Discovering Child Art. Essays on Childhood, Primitivism and Modernism. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1998, pp. 15-26.
Frontispiece: Child's drawing (Margaret, age 6), Man carrying a basket of Easter eggs - "To Rudi."

 Reprint in: Fineberg, Jonathan (ed.): When We Were Young. New Perspectives on the Art of the Child. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, August 2006 (Exhibition Catalog).



Buildings and Human Figures Aware of Each Other.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1999, pp. 197-198.
On the integration of gestalt theory.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 21 (3), Nov. 1999, pp. 178-180.
Gestalten and Computers.
In: Gestalt Theory, Vol. 21 (3), Nov. 1999, pp. 181-183.



The Coming and Going of Images.
In: Leonardo, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2000, pp. 167-168.
(Rudolf Arnheim, Simon Dinnerstein, John Russell) Simon Dinnerstein
Hudson Hills 2000, 126 S.
(includes: Arnheim, Rudolf: Pictures of the Lasting World).



Rudolf Arnheim 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts / 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken / No. 100
Introduction / Einführung: Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
dOCUMENTA (13), Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag 2012 (n. pag.)
(Reprint von 34 Seiten aus "Kunst und Sehen", 1954, mit handschr. Anm. v. Christov-Bakargiev).



Dies ist die Webseite von  Helmut H. Diederichs (* 1948), Industriekfm., Dipl.-Volkswirt, Dipl.-Soziologe, Dr. phil. habil. (Filmsoziologie), Prof. (i.R.) für Medienpädagogik und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, der als Ruheständler Freude daran hat, hier seine vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Aktivitäten zu dokumentieren - vor allem die wissenschaftlichen, aber nicht nur ...!