Bibliographische Quellen / Bibliographic Sources:
- Duncan, Elmer H. (ed.): Twenty Years Cumulative Index to the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volumes 1-20, 1941-1962, New York: AMS Reprint Company, pp. 8-9.
- Bibliography of Rudolf Arnheim, compiled by Mary Arnheim, Cambridge, Mass., May 1974, 30 p.
- Rudolf Arnheim, Verzeichnis seiner Schriften. Auszug aus einer von Mary Arnheim verfaßten Zusammenstellung. In: derselbe: Entropie und Kunst. Ein Versuch über Unordnung und Ordnung, Köln:
DuMont Buchverlag 1979, pp. 93-107.
- Rudolf Arnheim, Bibliography of his Writings, 1928-1982, compiled by Mary Arnheim, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 1983, 44 p.
- Bergmann, Joachim: Die Schaubühne/Die Weltbühne 1905-1933. Bibliographie und Register, Teil 1, München London New York Paris: Saur 1991, pp.11-13.
- Rudolf Arnheim: An International Bibliography oft His Writings. In: The Journal of Aesthetic Education (Champaign, Ill.), Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Winter 1993, pp. 165-189.
- Rudolf Arnheim: Bibliography of Articles, Reviews, Commentaries and Letters published in Leonardo, 1968-2000. Online: (2003).
- Und eigene Recherchen.
Sammelwerke / Collected Works
- Toward a Psychology of Art = Arnheim, Rudolf: Toward a Psychology of Art. Collected Essays, Berkeley und Los Angeles: University of California Press 1966.
- Zwischenrufe = Arnheim, Rudolf: Zwischenrufe. Kleine Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1926-1940, Leipzig und Weimar: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag 1985.
- New Essays on the Psychology of Art = Arnheim, Rudolf: New Essays on the Psychology of Art, Berkeley / Los Angeles / London: University of California Press 1986.
- To the Rescue of Art = Arnheim, Rudolf: To the Rescue of Art. Twenty-six Essays, Berkeley and Los Angeles / Oxford (Engl.): University of California Press 1992.
- The Split and the Structure = Arnheim, Rudolf: The Split and the Structure. Twenty-eight Essays, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press 1996.
Reprint in: Fineberg, Jonathan (ed.): When We Were Young. New Perspectives on the Art of the Child. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, August 2006 (Exhibition Catalog).